Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Special Assignment: Dr. Celine Latulipe

Special Assignment: Dr. Celine Latulipe

Celine Latulipe, Michael Youngblood, Ian Bell and Carissa Orlando. ToneZone: Image Exploration with Spatial Memory Cues. In Companion Proceedings of ACM Creativity & Cognition 2009, 427-428, ACM, 2009.

This is about a program called ToneZone.  This program allows tone manipulation in images.  The input and output tones have constraints on them.  The program was designed for dual mouse  manipulation.  This would allow the user to alter a rectangle in the image (for changing the tone) while also changing the tone inside of that rectangle.  They also adapted the program for single mouse input since most operating systems are not dual mouse enabled.

I thought that this was interesting.  The program is supposed to be simpler that what is on the market, so that is good.  I think that this could be useful for people who take a lot of pictures, and go back to edit them.

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