Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Paper Reading #18 - Personalized user interfaces for product configuration

Felfernig Alexander, Mandl Monika, Tiihonen Juha, Schubert Monika, Leitner Gerhard
IUI '10 Proceedings of the 15th international conference on Intelligent user interfaces

This paper is about configuration techniques of personalized default values for users.  Since many products today are widely distributed, the default settings are set to be general rather than personalized.  Often, the default settings can be difficult for the user to understand, and get accustomed to.  The authors conducted a empirical study, and found an improvement in user satisfaction and the quality of the configuration process.

While the paper was interesting, it was difficult to understand at times.  There were many mathematical formulas and technical terms.  Also, there were no images to help understand the ideas.  The paper definitely needs to be changed for average readers to understand.

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