Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Extra Paper #1

Heads-up engagement with the real world: multimodal techniques for bridging the physical-digital divide

Simon Robinson
CHI EA '10 Proceedings of the 28th of the international conference extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems

 The vast and ever-increasing collection of geo-tagged digital content about the physical world around us has prompted the development of interaction methods for various different scenarios. However, the map-based views common on desktop computers are not always appropriate when considering mobile usage. This paper is about research to provide suitable methods that can encourage user interaction with geo-located digital content, avoiding unnecessary interference with the user's immersion in the physical world around them. The author wants to increase interaction with the world around the user rather than with an interaction device.

I thought that this was an interesting paper.  Most papers are about developing a new device to interact with.  It was nice to see a change toward making the interaction more focused on the environment.  I would consider using something like this in the future.  It would also be interesting if the interactions were more visual.

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