Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Extra Paper #6

Critical Point, a composition for cello and computer
Roger Dannenberg
Tomas Laurenzo
Proceeding CHI EA '10 Proceedings of the 28th of the international conference extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems

This paper is about an application called Critical Point.  Critical Point is written for solo cello and interactive computer music system with two to four channel sound system and computer animation. The cellist plays from a score, and the computer records and transforms the cello sounds in various ways. Graphics and video are also projected. The computer-generated graphics are affected by audio from the live cellist. Critical Point is written in memory of the artist Rob Fisher.

I thought that this paper was interesting.  I played music before college, and I thought that this was a cool idea.  While I believe that cello players are not very common, i was interested that they made this because of a former musician. I think that this would be an interesting program to use.

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