Sunday, March 20, 2011

Book Reading #14: The Design of Everyday Things

Chapter 5: To Err is Human

This chapter is about the different types of errors that a user can make when using a device.  There are 2 categories: a slip and a mistake.  Slips are errors that are caused from automatic behavior, and are often attributed to a lack of attention.  Mistakes are caused by cautious deliberation.  We don't know what to do exactly, so we jump to conclusions that can be incorrect.  The rest of the chapter discusses the different types of slips and mistakes, how they can be detected, and avoided.

Errors are everywhere.  I think that the most common are slips, because I feel that I have made more of them than mistakes, but I may be wrong.  I could just be noticing slips because when I make mistakes, I attribute them to just learning something.

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